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Un-Guided fishing near Anchorage Alaska. Bird Creek, located about 27 miles south of downtown Anchorage on the Seward Highway is a great day trip for the outdoorsman visiting or living in Anchorage. Silver and Pink salmon are the species available although many folks just come to observe the fun or to have a picnic in the campground located on the inlet side of the highway.

Salmon Fishing in Bird Creek Near Anchorage AK.

Salmon in Bird Creek near Anchorage Alaska.Bird Creek, which is about 27 miles south of downtown Anchorage on the Seward Highway. When the salmon fishing reaches its peak you need to be prepared for what is affectionately called "combat fishing" here in Alaska. Drop by any evening in July or August for a classic Alaska experience.

Silver Salmon - Late July through early August.

Pink Salmon - July through mid August, even numbered years only.
Pink salmon only return every other year to the rivers of Alaska, 2010, 2012, 2014 and so on.


Bird Creek Alaska - South from Anchorage Along the Seward Highway.

Heading south along the Seward Highway from Anchorage near the little town of Indian you come to a new bridge spanning the tidal waters of Bird Creek. After crossing the bridge, there are parking areas on both the inlet side and creek sides of the road.

Most of the salmon fishing is done here at the mouth of the creek and out into the tidal areas as the tides recede. Be careful not to get into the muck as it's very difficult if not impossible to free yourself from it and the tides in turnagain arm flood this area very rapidly.

Anchorage Alaska Salmon Fishing

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